Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Food and friends...

I am starting to think I may have an alternative career ahead of me as a food photographer. Either that, or my photo-taking is starting to reveal a total obsession with meal times. Those who know me closely need no photographic proof of that though I suppose ;)

This weekend Izzy and I had a visit from Penny and Tom, neither of whom had been to Antibes before, and I think they loved it. We had a fab evening in Cannes on Saturday night, then spent Sunday mooching around Antibes, looking at boats, swimming in the sea, and yes...more eating. And Tom made friends with a lizard.

Here are a selection of pics:
At dinner in Le Caveau 33
Mine and Penny's oysters
Some of the delights at the Provencal market in Antibes, including the shiniest apples EVER!

And here are some daft shots that came out of the weekend...

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